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Make a Complete Glow Stick - Refillable Too!

Make a Glow Stick Reaction Using Real Chemicals
Here I show you how to make a glow stick reaction with real chemicals.

Yes this is a repost, i made a huge mistake on the last one

The glowstick reaction is made using a diphenyl oxalate derivative known as bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)oxalate or TCPO. Additional ingredients include ethyl acetate as a solvent, sodium acetate as a base, 9,10-bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene to give it the green color, and hydrogen peroxide to react with the TCPO and create light.

The exact proportions are:

15mL of ethyl acetate
3mg of 9,10-bis(phenyethynyl) anthracene
1g of sodium acetate
800mg of TCPO
3mL of hydrogen peroxide added last to initiate the reaction.

The exact same process is used in glow sticks. This is NOT mountain dew. Mountain dew cannot glow like this, it does not have the crucial TCPO chemical or any chemical like that.

The reaction will glow in the dark for several minutes if you use ethyl acetate as the solvent. It will glow for several hours if you use diethyl phthalate as the solvent.

please visit our site at http://www.nurdrage.com for other videos if you like this one.

WARNING: Trolls , idiots or morons might post comments claiming you can make glow sticks by other compositions. Ignore them all. NONE of them (not even luminol) last as long as the peroxylate category of chemiluminescent reactions. And some 'alternative' (read FAKE) compositions are dangerous, toxic or explosive, do no attempt *ANY* of them. (except luminol)

Sorry i have to spam like that. But some people are so desperate to make their own glow stick that they'll try anything and trolls prey upon this. A couple of years ago a kid I knew heard that you could make a glow stick from alcohol and pool chlorine.... He's permanently blind now. Sure he's stupid but no one told him that mixing those two was dangerous and that he was lied to.

introDIY Glow Sticks

I learned how to make glow sticks recently in my chemistry化學 class. you just need a few "simple" chemicals, your probably going to have to buy these chemicals online, unless you can get/steal them from your chemistry class. Also, these amounts of the chemicals only make a small glowstick that doesnt last that long to make it last longer you're going to have to add more chemicals. so you need:

-C12H12N2O3 (Luminal) found here:http://crimescene.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=66&products_id=49

-NaOH (Sodium hydroxide) found here: http://secure.sciencecompany.com/Sodium-Hydroxide-Lye-Pellets-500g-P15983.aspx

-H2 O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide) found here: Any drug store

-k3Fe(CN) (Potassium ferricyanide) found here: http://secure.sciencecompany.com/Potassium-Ferricyanide-500g-P6513C670.aspx

-50 ml beaker or graduated cylinder
-stir stick
step 1Mixing it Together
now mix everything together EXCEPT for the catalyst催化劑 (the Potassium鉀[U] ferricyanide鐵氰化物)
Start with the 1.5 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide with the 40 ml of water, then mix in the .04g of Luminal, and one piece or flake of Sodium hydroxide about the same amount as the Luminal. now mix the solution really well so its all disolved, remember dont add the Potassium ferricyanide ytet (the orange stuff)
step 2Adding the Catalyst
Now when your ready add the catalyst, the Potassium ferricyanide, once you add this your solution will start to glow, the more you add the longer it will glow, but remember to put the solution you mixed in the previous step in what every you wanted to put it in.
step 3Finishing
now you've completed your glow stick, have funn!
